Library code of conduct

I prefer to not send in codewords and I do not have one hidden in my rules. That said, I work under the assumption that everyone does read my rules and will abide by them! :) I prefer to work in that good faith.
If I’ve followed you, I have read your rules first.
My name is Yuan and I was born in Dec 1987. She/They pronouns are most common, though I don’t mind any.This blog is cross-fandom/crossover friendly.This blog is OC friendly.02
I don’t tolerate harassment, bullying, witch hunts or anon hate. If I catch you responsible for any of this I will block you without question.
I will unfollow and potentially block people spreading drama-based callouts and harassing other users.
My being friends with someone you don’t like does not mean I can’t be friends with you. I respect the boundaries people want between each other. If you name and shame in your rules I might avoid you completely.
I am a tired old fox with little energy for drama .If you’re going to break mutuals, please have the courtesy of softblocking me. I prefer this so I don’t accidentally try to interact - mutual checker doesn’t work on the dash or on mobile so oftentimes I’ll not notice. I won’t hold this against you I promise. It just makes things easier for us all.I do use blacklists and the block button liberally to maintain my dash. It’s generally nothing personal, I just like to keep my space clean.03
I will tag most (if not all) major triggers.
Tagging fashion is as follows:
[subject] tw; or [subject] cw;
Most blocking systems will grab whatever the [subject] is and block it for you.
If you need something tagged, please do not hesitate to ask!EXAMPLE:
TRIGGER ‘abuse’ WILL BE TAGGED AS “ abuse tw ”
Also if you could please tag mpreg that’d be great. Thanks!There is a canon adherence guide on my muse list and all muses will be tagged with RE :: MUSENAME to make blacklisting easy if you dislike a particular muse :)Most importantly, be sure to check the pages of specific muses if you’re interested in them. Some (such as Youko) as well as the pinned post of my blog contain important information on the villainous nature of the muse and any potential triggers.

I was born in 1987. 18+ only for interactions, and I will not RP with those who do not disclose their status as an adult.
Roleplaying is fiction. As long as the RP is happening between consenting, understanding adults then I work on a live and let live basis. I understand not everyone enjoys or even can tolerate every subject.
I may write darker themes, however these require OOC communication with the other mun to ensure we stay within each other’s comfort zones.I understand some subjects are triggering, disgusting or even potentially harmful to some people. I do not condone the harmful actions of some of my muses. That is why I am careful to tag topics that may be upsetting or even harmful to some readers.I will never force you into any type of RP you are not comfortable with. If you need something changed about a thread please tell me and we can either change it or drop the interaction. If at any time an interaction is making you uncomfortable please let me know!You can find a list of potential triggers by muse in my pinned post so you can choose to block certain muse tagsThis also means : NO SHIP HATE
I don’t care about your reasons why you might dislike a ship. That is your own business and I will respect any boundaries you may set regarding ships, be it if you don’t want to discuss it or see it. I will not judge you for your ships and I expect the same courtesy in return.
Sorry about these sounding kind of harsh. I swear I’m super friendly, I’m just tired.
Feel free to jump in my message box and talk to me if you want to plot or just chat. I can also share my discord!